Choose Your Poison
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Feel free to ask.
Here I am, my own web site. Wow, it's been a long four years and I decided to put up a web page to KIT with people. Someday, you might be seeing my work on TV. I am attending Specs Howard School of Broadcasting and gaining further knowlegde in the field of TV and Radio Broadcasting. I really hope to Produce a movie someday, but we'll see how that turns out.
You are visitor #2644
What are you doing?
Ok, so things are roling along pretty nicely. School, social life, nothing to complain about. See you all back here soon!!!
Weird stuff, isn't it?
This is a photo of myself that I put together. You may see others like it elsewhere in this site. You can kind've say I'm "original" or "weird."

The Hippest Place on the Web!
This is where you'll find out later the new things on the site. Right now, I'm just crusing around with options and checking stuff out for myself. E-Mail with suggestions and links. THANX!

My senior pic and the closest likeness to my normal look.
If there's anything you want to see, add, or comment on in my site, feel free to e-mail me below.